
清华公管学生赴韩国KDI School参加2019年NASPAA-Batten全球学生模拟大赛

发布时间: 2019-02-28 访问计数:

2月23日,2019年NASPAA-Batten全球学生模拟大赛亚洲区比赛在韩国KDI School of Public Policy and Management举行,本届大赛的主题为“全球移民与难民危机”。大赛在全球11个赛区同步举行,吸引了来自27个国家137所院校的585名同学参赛。清华公管学院由IMPA硕士项目主任郑振清副教授担任领队,由案例中心助理城玥负责组织协调,派出五名硕士生参赛,他们分别是MPA项目的中国学生王晨杰,IMPA-BRI项目的巴基斯坦学生Bushra Batool Zaidi,MPP-SDG项目的越南学生Lincoln Quang Duong,文莱学生Rasyidah Ibrahim和哥伦比亚学生Andrés Melendro Blanco。经过为期一天的激烈角逐,清华大学代表队成功进入最后陈述展示环节,表现优异。






此次在韩国KDI School举行的比赛共有来自13个大学的59名同学参加,评委来自KDI School和国际移民组织(IOM)韩国办事处。同学们被分到三个模拟世界中,每个世界的学生分属于四个模拟国家,共有12个代表队,每个国家的选手分别担任该国总理、劳工部长、卫生与公共服务部部长、内政部长、国际组织Altrippa Treaty Group代表等角色,每轮比赛中需互换角色。选手们基于本国及本地区其他国家的经济社会发展情况,综合考虑财政预算、GDP、就业率、人权指数、民意等因素,利用模拟软件做出管控移民和难民的公共决策,并提交政策备忘录。



然而,经过两个回合的演练,清华大学代表队发现,仅靠一国之力难以将整个世界的难民妥善安置,应当协同其他国家一起为难民安置和转化做出贡献。于是,清华大学代表队迅速转变思路,从原本重经济、重稳定的“保守型”政策,转换为重人权、重合作的“开放型”全球共治路线。“国家总理”Lincoln确定了国家整体政策基调,为各个部长分配了任务;“卫生与公共服务部部长” Andrés、“内政部长”Bushra和“劳工部长”王晨杰共同合作,从人道主义援助、就业支撑、国籍归化等方面多措并举,共同为涌入境内的难民提供了帮助和关怀;而肩负外交使命的Rasyidah,更是在“外交谈判”环节大显神通,成功说服同一“世界”的其他国家“领导人”倾囊相助,为安置和转化难民提供了宝贵的物质支持。





大赛评委综合模拟赛成绩、最后陈述展示表现、选手谈判及团队合作情况等因素进行打分。最后,大赛主办方韩国KDI School代表队成为本赛区优胜者。


此次是清华公管学院第三次派出学生参加NASPAA-Batten学生模拟大赛。2017年,该赛事首次在亚洲举办,清华公管学院成为亚洲首家承办该比赛的院校。2018年,学院选派三名学生参加于对外经贸大学举办的NASPAA-Batten学生模拟大赛亚洲分赛,留学生Trent S. Lawrence所在队伍获得本赛区一等奖。2017和2018年的比赛形式为各校学生混合组队参赛。2019年,大赛首次允许各学校派出自己的代表队参赛,清华公管学院派出由来自不同国家的五名学生组成的国际化代表队。





作为队伍中唯一的中国人,这次比赛不仅让我的语言沟通能力得到了提高,更让我认识到团结合作、和而不同的重要性。在与外国队友交流的过程中我发现,思维模式的不同会带来令人惊喜的思想碰撞,从而产生“think outside the box”的创意,进而使队伍在赛事中脱颖而出。我会保持激情、继续进步,也希望以后有更多的国际交流机会。

Lincoln Quang Duong

Refugee Crisis Simulation at KDI School was a really enjoyable and instructive experience. I learnt a lot not only about refugee crisis but also about how to make tough policy decisions as a politician. We played the simulation game in a fictitious world in the role of policy maker. The region is facing a refugee crisis because of a state collapse. We played 3 games and 3 different roles. I acted as a Prime Minister, ATG Delegate and Minister of Labor. I learnt a lot from looking at refugee crisis at different perspectives and having to make tough decisions affecting thousands and millions of people. The simulation forces participants to work and collaborate not only with teammates but also with other people representing different countries to solve the regional crisis. This was an invaluable experience, and I’d recommend any public administration student to take a chance and participate in the simulation!

Rasyidah Ibrahim

Attending the KDI School’s NASPAA-Batten public policy simulation of a refugee crisis in South Korea was an eye-opening and enriching experience. Being able to assume a Cabinet Office role such as Minister of Health and Human Services, Home Office Secretary and Altrippa Treaty Group (ATG) Delegate of the made-up country Capalla gave me a deeper insight and appreciation of the choices civil servants have to make in the face of a humanitarian crisis; whilst balancing the interests of the state and the surrounding region. It was also a challenging and fast-paced environment where I was required to respond quickly to new policies enacted by our neighboring countries as well as strategize for our country’s long-term development. Overall, it was a great opportunity to gain clearer perspective into the world of public policy, diplomacy and politics.

Bushra Batool Zaidi

Being a medical professional policy maker, experiencing refugee crises simulation at NASPAA-Batten 2019 hosted by KDI School, was a must to have learning outcome in the field of public policy and management. It is a mark of my career prospect to be a member of Team Tsinghua. Besides networking with multicultural contestants, this multirole participation brings a perk to manage most challenging state of affairs for policy makers under next generation public issues resolution, to observe and implement decisions that would ultimately change many lives. Concluding, I thank NASPAA for hospitality and arrangements, School of Public Policy and Management, especially Prof. Zheng for his continuous support, encouragement and unmatched guidance. Last but not the least, on behalf of whole team, I thank Miss Yue Cheng for her excellent coordination and ultimate management skills during our journey.