

发布时间: 2022-01-05 访问计数:

2021年清华大学全球可持续发展目标公共政策案例分析大赛(2021 Tsinghua International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on SDGs)由清华大学公共管理学院中国公共管理案例中心和清华大学全球可持续发展研究院共同主办,于今年4月-8月顺利举行,吸引了来自中国、美国、英国、瑞士、新加坡、爱尔兰、澳大利亚、德国的53所院校49支队伍共147人报名。参赛队伍围绕17项联合国可持续发展目标进行选题,从公共政策专业角度思考可持续发展议题,开展实地调研、线上访谈并精心撰写案例分析报告。由“Spring in Spring”团队创作的《When Will Spring Arrive? The Dilemma of Private Non-Profit Hospitals》获得本次大赛本科生组三等奖。

案例作者 Author

Liu Shengjun,Renmin University of China

Wang Yuan,Renmin University of China

Zhang Yudian,Renmin University of China

Zhu Tonghui,Renmin University of China

指导教师 Advisor

Dr Wang Conghu,Professor of School of Public Administration and Policy at Renmin University of China

关键词 Keywords

Private Non-Profit Hospitals, Long-Term Care, Government Regulation, Health Insurance Payment

案例简介 Case Overview

Private non-profit medical institutions are important subjects for providing geriatric medical services in the context of rapid aging. Established in 1993, Hospital R is the largest private non-profit medical institution, Red Cross listed hospital and medical insurance designated institution in City C, Jiangsu Province. Long-term care, rehabilitation therapy and hospice care are the main services of Hospital R. Since its establishment, Hospital R has always faced difficulties in survival, shortage of resources and lack of external understanding, and experienced several relocations. In 2017, Zhang, who studied and worked in hospital management abroad returned to China, taking his father over as the head of Hospital R. He encountered many challenges such as the new site selection for Hospital R, the reform of the regulatory system, and the reform of the health insurance payment method. This case focuses on Hospital R and depicts the interactions and conflicts among multiple subjects like non-profit hospitals, government departments, and communities. The case takes collaborative governance as a perspective and discusses the following questions: What kind of development dilemma are non-profit hospitals represented by Hospital R facing? How should they get out of the dilemma? How can multiple entities interact in providing adequate, refined and differentiated public services to achieve an effective allocation of social resources?

参赛经验分享 Experience Sharing




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