
[Registration is Now Open] 2022 Tsinghua International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on SDGs

发布时间: 2022-04-15 访问计数:

1. Organizers

● China Case Center for Public Policy and Management (CCCPPM), School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM), Tsinghua University

● Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University (TUSDG)

2. Theme: Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice, and so on. The 17 SDGs are integrated - that is, they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Achieving the SDGs requires the partnership of governments, private sector, civil society and citizens alike to make sure we leave a better planet for future generations.


To participate in this competition, you should choose a topic about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals based on your research interests and experience, and conduct public policy case studies that reflect real-world scenarios and practices.You have the opportunity to focus on case stories in local communities or which affect people around the world. The topic you choose should allow you to investigate it from different aspects, but not too broadly.The competition is looking for case studies that strike a good balance between a well-told story and sufficient data, and that demonstrate your solid policy knowledge and excellent analytical skills.

3. Why Participate In?

● The competition provides a platform for you to cooperate, communicate, and compete with students from various countries, disciplines, and cultures.

● You will have a chance to work in teams to interview organizations and people, investigate real-world problems, discover interesting stories, and find innovative public policy solutions for the SDGs.

● You will get an opportunity to practice the case study method, apply and integrate knowledge, skills, theories and experience by discussing complex real-life challenges.

● The SPPM will select excellent candidates from the competition to study at the Tsinghua-Geneva Dual Degree Master of Public Policy for Sustainable Development Goals (MPP-SDG) program, and the SPPM’s PhD program.

4. Eligibility

● Current undergraduate and master’s studentsare eligible to take part in this competition without any geographical restrictions.

● You can participate in the competition as an individual or in a team of up to four people. Each student is allowed to join only one team. If there is a master’s student in your team,your team should register as a master’s student team on the online platform.

● Case studies must be written in English, and should be original work that has not been submitted elsewhere, and be free of copyright disputes.

● CCCPPM holds two case analysis competitions (one is in Chinese and the other is in English) this year. You are only allowed to participate in one competition.

5. Timetable (GMT+8, Beijing Time)

(1) April 18, 2022 - May 23, 2022 (Registration & Submission of Proposal)

Each team should register and submit a proposal through the online competition platform by 13:00 on May 23.


(2) May 24, 2022 - June 8, 2022 (Proposal Review & Announcement of First Round Winners)

The judging panel will review proposals, and the first round winners will be announced on June 8.

(3) June 9, 2022 - July 22, 2022 (Case-based Research & Submission of Case Analysis Report)

Participants will conduct field research or online surveys and interviews. Each team should submit a case analysis report by 13:00 on July 22.

(4) July 23, 2022 - August 8, 2022 (Report Review & Announcement of Second Round Winners)

The judging panel will review case analysis reports, and the second round winners will be announced on August 8.

(5) August 20, 2022(Online Final Competition & Announcement of Final Winners)

Each team will present their work and answer questions from the judges in the final competition. The final winners will be announced.


※ On May 7, we will hold an online competition information session.We will introduce the competition and case analysis report writing skills, and also invite past participant to share experience and answer your questions. The detailed information will be released later.

※ Participants should conduct field research in accordance with the requirements of pandemic prevention and control.

※ SPPM will hold Admission Information Sessionon August 21. All are welcome to attend.

6. Rewards

(1) Awards (pre-tax)

First Prize       $3,000 USD per team

Second Prize  $2,000 USD per team

Third Prize      $1,000 USD per team

Other finalists will receive honorable mention certificates.

(The number of winning teams will be determined based on the number of entries this year.)

(2) Bonus

There will be bonuses for the best two members of each team who gets the first, second and third prizes.

● Chinese students who apply for the Tsinghua-Geneva Dual Degree Master of Public Policy for Sustainable Development Goals (MPP-SDG) program will qualify for exam exemption and have the opportunity to attend interviews (即获得推免面试资格).

● Overseas students will be given prior consideration if they apply for the Tsinghua-Geneva Dual Degree Master of Public Policy for Sustainable Development Goals (MPP-SDG) program.

● Students who apply for SPPM’s PhD program will directly enter the stage of comprehensive assessment based on the consent of the supervisor. Applicants need to have good Chinese skills to complete the study.报考清华大学公共管理学院博士项目的学生须有良好的汉语水平,在所报导师同意的基础上,可以直接进入博士项目综合考核环节。

※ If you wish to apply for MPP-SDG or PhD, please inquire whether you meet the application requirementsin case there are other restrictions. Applicants for MPP-SDG should provide evidence of English language proficiency.

(3)Case Acceptance

The CCCPPM encourages participants to develop their case studies into high-quality teaching cases after the competition. Excellent teaching cases will be accepted by the CCCPPM, and will have chances to be published by China Case Bank for Public Policy & Management and contribute to international MPA education. Case authors will receive royalty payment and case acceptance certificates.

7. Submission Requirements

Please carefully read the attached Submission Guidelines and Proposal & Case Analysis Report Layouts, and follow our instructions to submit your case study and relevant materials.

8. Contact

Ms. Yue CHENG 


Phone: +86 (010) 62788958

9. About MPP-SDG

On January 16th, 2017, President Xi Jinping of China and the President Doris Leuthard of the Swiss Confederation jointly witnessed the signing of the memorandum between Tsinghua University and the University of Geneva (UniGe) on comprehensive cooperation on SDGs. During the roundtable, the Presidents of the two universities signed an agreement on a dual Master of Public Policy for Sustainable Development Goals (MPP-SDG).

Within this cooperative framework, the School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM) of Tsinghua University is partnering with the Geneva School of Social Sciences (G3S) of UniGe to start a highly interdisciplinary 2.5-year dual master’s program for the SDGs from September 2018. This program focuses on defining and developing concrete solutions for the SDGs through hands-on, team-based and project-driven activities, in parallel with courses on the fundamentals of sustainable development. Candidates from a broad range of backgrounds will gain both theoretical understanding and practical field experience that will prepare for employment on sustainable development projects.

This program can be started either at Tsinghua University or the University of Geneva, depending on where the student registers first. Tsinghua University delivers a Master of Public Administration (MPA), organized by the School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM) and called Master of Public Policy for Sustainable Development Goals (MPP-SDG). The University of Geneva delivers a highly interdisciplinary Master of Science (M.Sc.) hosted by the Geneva School of Social Sciences (G3S), the Master in Innovation, Human Development and Sustainability (MIHDS).

MPP-SDG Program Overview

MPP-SDG Program Application Guide for International Students


(2023 admission information will be released later.)

10. About SPPM

The School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM), Tsinghua University, was founded in 2000 and is the first graduate school of public administration in China. The School’s mission is to become a world-class institution that actively engages in teaching, research, and consulting in global public affairs. Tsinghua SPPM is committed to not only training future generations of scholars and practitioners in public affairs with global vision and strong social commitment, but also constituting a global forum where critical challenges may be discussed, innovative ideas and wisdom may be shared, and dialogues and collaboration may be fostered between China and the world to achieve lasting peace, prosperity, equity, and sustainability of the human kind. The School currently offers programs taught in Chinese including Master of Management (MM), Master of Public Administration (MPA), Ph.D. in Public Administration, and undergraduate minor program, and Master’s programs taught in English including MPA in International Development (MID), MPA in International Development and Governance (MIDG), International MPA (IMPA), IMPA in the Belt and Road Initiative (IMPA-BRI), IMPA for Future Leaders (IMPA-FL), and Master of Public Policy for Sustainable Development Goals (MPP-SDG).

School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University

11. About CCCPPM

The China Case Center for Public Policy & Management (CCCPPM) was founded in 2004 as a subsidiary of the School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University. It is China’s first professional case center in the field of public policy and management which develops Chinese, English, and multimedia teaching cases to serve degree programs offered within the SPPM. The Center establishes an online case database - China Case Bank for Public Policy & Management (www.chinacases.cn), providing case teaching services for colleges and universities nationwide and serving as a think tank for Chinese government departments and relevant organizations. The Center also fosters and leads innovations in case teaching and research by organizing training sessions, workshops, seminars, and case analysis competitions, with the aim of improving teaching quality and cultivating qualified public sector professionals.

China Case Center for Public Policy & Management

Official WeChat:中国公共管理案例中心

12. About TUSDG

Housed in the School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University, the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University (TUSDG) was founded on May 14, 2017. It aims to establish a leading platform to conduct interdisciplinary research and collaborate with global partners to address challenges in implementing UN Sustainable Development Goals. By integrating theoretical learning and practical experience in the field, TUSDG strives to cultivate a new generation of talent who is dedicated to the implementation of SDGs and the improvement of global governance. Meanwhile, TUSDG makes every effort at creating a high-end open platform for research in the field of SDGs, attracting world-class experts and scholars to engage in teaching and research activities. Besides, TUSDG aspires to become a leading think tank in China on SDG-related policies through cooperative partnerships with relevant government agencies.

Official WeChat:清华大学全球可持续发展研究院