
线上讲座预告 | 数字技术与公共政策创新:如何构建农业的可持续发展?

发布时间: 2022-06-20 访问计数:

一、主办方 Organizer



China Case Center for Public Policy and Management (CCCPPM) at Tsinghua SPPM

Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University (TUSDG)

二、主题和内容简介 Lecture Topic and Introduction




Digital Technology and Public Policy Innovation: Towards a Sustainable Farming Future

Small-scale farmers and family farms contribute to the vast majority of Chinese agricultural production, which features small size of land and scattered plots. Facing the lack of access to financial services, smart tools, and rural infrastructure, they can hardly reap the "digital dividend" in farming. In recent years, while cutting-edge technologies such as drones, robots, and AI are introduced into agriculture, rural public policy has also been through transformation towards sustainability. Global issues from food security, net-zero emissions, gender equality to decent jobs are on the spotlight of rural development.

From a corporate perspective of agritech, XAG will share the story of how digital technology is working in synergy with government policy to empower farmers and grow sustainable food. The spillover effect of technological innovation is also on the agenda to elaborate how it improves farmers’ livelihood across the globe.

三、主讲嘉宾 Speaker

佟巍 TONG Wei


Dr TONG Wei is the Head of Branding and Global Affairs of XAG. He used to work in CNAIS (China National Association for International Studies) as a research fellow. He was a senior expert on international business in DiDi Chuxing. He is holding a doctoral degree in political science from China Foreign Affairs University.

四、主持人 Lecture Host

朱旭峰 ZHU Xufeng


Professor and Executive Dean at the School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University, Executive Director of the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University

五、时间 Time


June 27, 2022 (Monday)19:30-21:00(GMT+8, Beijing Time)

六、线上参会方式 Zoom Meeting

Zoom会议码:849 2708 7115         入会密码:0627

Zoom Meeting ID: 849 2708 7115    Passcode: 0627

七、语言 Language

英语 English


This lecture is an online event of the "2022 Tsinghua International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on SDGs". The competition is co-organized by the China Case Center for Public Policy and Management (CCCPPM) at Tsinghua SPPM, and Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University (TUSDG). XAG is a sponsor of this year’s competition. This lecture is open to participating students and others interested in the topic!


极飞科技是一家以“提升农业生产效率”为使命的农业科技公司,致力于用机器人、人工智能和新能源技术为农业赋能。极飞科技长期以智慧农业为发展方向,发挥研发与先进制造优势,不断将前沿技术带入农业生产管理中,以科技平民化、成果产业化、产品普惠化的形式,搭建起广大农民与科技之间的桥梁。成立 15 年来,极飞科技自主研发了农业无人机、农业无人车、农机自驾仪、农业物联网和智慧农业系统等产品,通过构建完整的产品矩阵和数据闭环,为广大农业工作者提供精准、高效、灵活、经济的无人化生产解决方案,以解决农业生产中劳动力不足、管理粗放和环境污染等问题。

About XAG

Founded in 2007, XAG is a world-leading robotics and AI company, which focuses on using technology to empower agriculture and help create a food-secure future. With the mission of advancing agriculture, XAG strives to construct an autonomous system that can feed the world’s growing population with positive social, environmental impact on earth. XAG has developed six smart agriculture product lines, including Agricultural Drone, Unmanned Ground Vehicle, Remote Sensing Drone, Autopilot Console, Agriculture IoT System, and Smart Agriculture Management System. Facing the challenges of rural aging and decreasing agricultural workforce, XAG provides farmers with nimble, cost-effective unmanned solutions to help them grow more with less.