
First Round Winners of 2020 Tsinghua SPPM International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on SDGs

发布时间: 2020-07-06 访问计数:

We are pleased to announce that the following 43 undergraduate teams and 21 master student teams are invited to the second round of 2020 Tsinghua SPPM International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on SDGs.

All these teams can start to conduct interviews and field research. The deadline for submitting case analysis report is 13:00 August 2, 2020.

1. List of the winning undergraduate teams



What the health are we paying the canteen? - The impact of “University Canteen Cost Accounting Guiding Standards” on healthy eating in campus and its implication on policy-making

Zhejiang University, University of California Berkeley, Korea University


“Beauty or Beast?” - Exploring the Best Balance Between Urban Governance and Street-Stall Economy

Beijing Institute of Technology


Antibiotics, not Anti-life--the case analysis of antibiotic water pollution in Nanjing

Beijing Foreign Studies University


Gatekeepers at the forefront: challenges facing Chinese village doctors under the COVID-19 pandemic

Central South University


The Game Triggering Public Health Emergency: Wildlife Trading and Its Impact Chain

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai International Studies University


Joining Hands in Forging Modern Agriculture

Tsinghua University


Green Mountains vs Golden Mountains: Environmental Governance Dilemma of Eucalyptus Policy in Poverty Alleviation - Based on the Practice Analysis of Eucalyptus Planting in A Village of Fujian province

China University of Political science and Law


How to safeguard the rights of the volunteers in the fight with COVID-19? More wisdom and more governance are in need

Soochow University, Anhui University of Technology


Research on Sustainable Development of Education Mode under Major Public Health Emergencies

Zhejiang University, East China University of Science and Technology, Peking University, Shandong University


Hard to recruit and retain rural teachers - take Jinxiwan elementary school as an example

Jilin University, Waseda University


How to solve the problems of rural teachers’ recruitment, retention and personal development?

Beijing Foreign Studies University


Battle with acts of Electric Shock Fish to Promote the Protection of Yangtze River: Take Zigong in Sichuan Province as an Example

Shandong University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai Ocean University, China University of Mining and Technology, Renmin University of China


A reciprocal interaction between SDG11 and non-contact economy: a case study of Jingzhou community

University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


Same Land, Different Life: Study on Social Sustainability of House-Site Replacement Mode in Huaming

Nankai University


How to reduce inequality in elderly care in China: a study on the referential significance of Sweden's government's role in the privatised eldercare industry towards China's in the insight of structural functionalism

University College London, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


How Did Menstrual Health Needs of Health-care Workers Become Visible on Political Agenda?

Beijing Normal University, Fudan University


The Wealth of the Lake: Analyze the Contradictions and Solutions in the Development of Ecotourism

Northeast Forestry University, Beihang University


Taking Wuhan as an example: where should medical consortia go under the influence of COVID-19?

Nankai University


Not leaving one in poverty: A case study of the disability care center in Shangcai

Renmin University of China


Stall Economy and New Infrastructure: An Effective Way of Space Governance? - A Case Study of Jinan

Nankai University


Learning or Dawdling: How to Ensure the Quality of Learning in Regular Classroom Policy

Renmin University of China


Is smart community really smart? - A case study of the Shanghai Yuanshan Tianfeng Community

Xiamen University


The Untapped Sustainability Potential of Urban-Rural Integration

East China Normal University, Tongji University


Renewable Energy --- Feed-In-Tariff Scheme in Hong Kong

City University of Hong Kong


Research the Effectiveness of a Cross Enterprise Shared Workforce Model Based on Hefei City’s Shared Employment Policy during an Economic Restart of the Epidemic

National Taiwan Chengchi University, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Beijing Normal University, Xiamen University


To Breed or Not to Breed? That is a Question - A Case Study of the Bamboo Rat Breeding Industry in Guangxi

Renmin University of China


Multidisciplinary Approach: How to Remove Illegal Homeless Encampments in Seattle, King County?

University of Washington - Seattle


Solve the Dilemma of Inclusive Education for Autistic Children

Xiamen University, Tsinghua University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Nankai University


Superposition of government roles: Governor or Server - Research on adjustment of economic policy based on street-stall economy

Tianjin Normal University, Ocean University of China, Nankai University


The implement of Beijing's new policy of garbage classification in communities: a new start or a publicity stunt?- A case study in Haidian District with the reference to Tokyo’s practice

China University of Political science and Law, Ocean University of China, Beijing Jiaotong University


Internet Plus Health Poverty Alleviation: A Panacea for Sustainable Development of Health in Impoverished Areas?

Tsinghua University


The Work to Make Telemedicine Work the Insight of Telemedicine Experiment in Luodian County

Hong Kong Baptist University, South China Normal University, China Agricultural University, Capital Normal University


Effectiveness of Health Code Policy on Controlling the Spread of COVID-19

The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong Baptist University, Beijing Sport University, Wenzhou-Kean University


Prosperity and Break: Thirty Years of Tourism Poverty Alleviation in Xijiang Miao Village

Sun Yat-sen University, Tsinghua University


The sustainable policy mode on China's residential energy transitions - A Case Study of Xi'an

Tsinghua University


Risks and Opportunities of Cash Transfers for Achieving SDGs: The Case of Safety Nets in Niger

Sciences Po


The Educational Inequality in Remote Learning During COVID-19

Tsinghua University, The University of Hong Kong


Equalisation of Education through Online Teaching Platforms - A Case Study of Sichuan Province

Peking University


Multi-actor Interaction in the Governance of "Charity Fraud" Phenomenon on the Online Fundraising Platforms - A Case Study of Shuidichou

Beijing Foreign Studies University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University


The Exploration of How Consumption Stimulus Vouchers Work and the problems that all Related Parties encountered - A Case Study of Zhuhai City

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sun Yat-Sen University, South China Agricultural University


Business Initiatives of Green Logistics under Governmental Guidance - A Case Study of Qingcheng Plan

New York University, Babson College


Achilles’ heel: Waste Sorting in Rural China

Nankai University


The strategy of creating a sustainable industry: A case study of the cooperation between the electroplating factory and the government

The George Washington University

2. List of the winning master student teams

* Case proposal titles in random order

Case Proposal Title



Are China's air quality improvement policies in city levels cost-efficient and effective?

Johns Hopkins University


Trilateral International Organization for Bilateral Conflicts: A case study of TCS

Tsinghua University, Sciences Po, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute


Urban Migrant Children Enrollment for School: A Case Study of Xiaozhou Village in Guangzhou

City University of Hong Kong


Aspiration, Expectation and Operation: A Trilemma of Environmental Regulation in Tianjin

National University of Singapore


Impacts of COVID-19 on Waste Sorter Formalization Programs and Sustainable Micro-Enterprise Growth: A Case Study of ACAVIDA in Lima, Peru

Tsinghua University


A Tale of Two Sides: The Predicament of Deficiency in Teacher Resources in Impoverished Rural Areas

Johns Hopkins University, The London School of Economics and Political Science, University of Toronto, Beijing Foreign Studies University


Opportunities in Public Policy to Support Students in Rural China: A Case Study of Fujian Province

National University of Singapore


Striving for better and more institutionalized community governance: a case study of Singapore

National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University


A Chinese Local Government’s Eradication Campaign Targeting Real Estate Agencies

The London School of Economics and Political Science


High investment and low return in the rural education reform - case study of Heyu Central School

City University of Hong Kong


Innovation Model of Online Social Movements Under Pandemics - A Case Study of Chinese Australians’ Online Protests During COVID-19

University of Melbourne


Urban Micro-Mobility: Impact of COVID-19 on Cities’ Development Narrative - the Case of New York City

Tsinghua University


How Can the Primary-level Government Best Develop Programs to Promote the Community Economy?

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Duke University


Ungovernable Protected Areas in Colombia: A Tale of Settlers, Deforestation and Illicit Armed Groups

Tsinghua University


Participatory Governance for Inclusive Green Infrastructure: How to Improve the Wellbeing of Multi-stakeholders - A Case Study of Houguan Lake Green Wedge in Peri-Urban Wuhan

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Shihezi University


A decline in the fish population, despite an increase in support to fishery enhancement: The puzzle of salmon enhancement project in Dongning county, Heilongjiang Province, China

Duke University


Research on the Game and Interaction Among Multi-Subjects in Environmental Disputes from the Perspective of Knowledge Production: Beijing Asuwei Garbage Incineration Plants Affair

Beihang University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China University of Mining and Technology Beijing, Sciences Po Paris


Using Community Supported Agriculture to Foster Chinese Rural Revitalization and Food Sustainability

Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology Beijing


“Lantau Tomorrow” – providing affordable housing in a sustainable way?

City University of Hong Kong


Policy Interventions on Migrant Workers’ Resilience Against Public Health Crisis

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The University of Hong Kong


Housing Security and Tenant Protection in Urban Village: Case Study in Baishizhou Village, Shenzhen

City University of Hong Kong